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I took this photo of Gordon the Bornean orang-utan (Pongo pygmaeus) who was born on 09/12/97 at Monkey World. He was born prematurely and had to spend the first month of his life in an incubator, however, he is now a dominant male with fully developed cheek pads. Gordon sat at the glass for a long time and likewise, I stood waiting patiently to capture his character as he sat staring into the lens.

I took this photo of Gordon the Bornean orang-utan (Pongo pygmaeus) who was born on 09/12/97 at Monkey World. He was born prematurely and had to spend the first month of his life in an incubator, however, he is now a dominant male with fully developed cheek pads. Gordon sat at the glass for a long time and likewise, I stood waiting patiently to capture his character as he sat staring into the lens.

Author andyjh07
Shared by Anonymous user
File Type photo
Posted at 2020-06-14 16-26-04
Dimensions 5472*3648
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