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If you visit Thailand and you want to meet some animals such as these Asian Elephants, make sure you do your research. There is a lot of oppressive treatment of these gentle giants for tourism. You should look to visit an elephant sanctuary where the fees are high, where the elephants are free to roam, feed, play and bathe, where there are NEVER any chains or elephant riding. When visiting Chiang Mai - try Elephant Nature Park, who do some wonderful things with animal rescue.

If you visit Thailand and you want to meet some animals such as these Asian Elephants, make sure you do your research. There is a lot of oppressive treatment of these gentle giants for tourism. You should look to visit an elephant sanctuary where the fees are high, where the elephants are free to roam, feed, play and bathe, where there are NEVER any chains or elephant riding. When visiting Chiang Mai - try Elephant Nature Park, who do some wonderful things with animal rescue.

Author kymellis
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Posted at 2020-06-11 17-38-04
Dimensions 6000*4000
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